Saturday 5 January 2013


I hate the fact that because of our past, we can not be trusted anymore. There is nothing much I can do or say about it, I hate being shouted at..... I know I have no proper rights yet but soon I will... I am pissed off... I stared at the laptop screen for long enough, I am trying to watch a series called common law because it is funny. I am just trying to lift back my moods, this is going to be the shortest article I have ever written.

However much you try to change there are only a few people who will appreciate that at least you tried and you made an improvement. I've tried my best to change and if some people can accept me the way I am, then it is best they stop trusting in me and believe whatever they want to believe. I have absolutely no reason to lie these days.... I've got nothing to hide so believe me when I say something, it's just that. I am not asking for much just believe me, okay now I feel bit okay I have got it off my chest. Its a lousy article...I know. But I am going to publish it anyway.........

1 comment:

  1. People need time to gain your trust back if lost, its mostly the things you do and not much of what you say. There is always something you can do if people seem to not trust you anymore; gradually patiently gain back their trust by keeping your word. Do not be mad but take it up as a challenge, a chance for self growth. Be graceful about it. love you
