Sunday 1 March 2015


Few men ever settle down before getting a job and being financially stable and if they do, there are very few chances that he will be completely faithful. Men have a way that they live their lives and they are never condemned for their choices because the world says “they are just being boys”. It is okay for a man not to be married but it is never okay with the society for a woman to be single after a certain age.

I mean there are days I wish I was a boy, I would get away with doing a lot of things and no one would question my actions. If a girl applies the same method of focusing on her studies, getting rich, getting a job, car, house and is financially set and decides to settle down later it would be good too. But as a girl doing this comes with a lot of sacrifices as compared to a boy. It makes me wonder why the world is so different for a girl.

All successful women in the world that can live on their own today are an inspiration because being a woman is not easy. It takes a million things to build you up and one thing to send you crashing down. God made life in a way that we could do all the right things at the right time, because at a certain point in life you can no longer do some things. You simply have to grow up and act like it.

Our parents can only go as far as educating us and from then on it is entirely up to us. Every person reaches that point where they start to think about where to start, what they are going to do to earn a decent living. To me that is the scariest part of life because you never know what the future holds. It is like walking down a dark path and the only place you can see is where you are standing.

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