Sunday 23 November 2014


I have serious problem dealing with people who think they are always right and above the rest. People who usually tend to act like they know everything either have some information on the topic or know nothing about the topic at all. No offence but people who think they are always right always end up exposing their ignorance. It does not hurt to sit on the side line sometimes and listen to what other people have to say. The wise always learn from listening to other people’s perspectives and opinions. That is to say, you learn a lot from being open minded.

According to Mrs. Right, she is always right and everybody else is wrong. She is the most perfect creature on earth. I have this friend who never see’s anything good in other people, she will always look for the bad in other people. I thought I could handle her company but last night I actually realized that I cannot. She just sucks out all my energy and any happiness I have. Last night she just kept reminding all of us about the bad features we have and constantly kept reminding us of how perfect she is.

Some may say she talked out of the influence of alcohol but I think that was premeditated. Honestly I do not even understand why I even keep up with her, why do such people even have friends when all they do is bring you down. It is true when they say that negative energy brings negativity into your life. Do your best to keep negative people out of your life if you want to be happy. It’s a Sunday, so go pray to God to keep such people out of your life. Amen

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