Tuesday 4 November 2014


University girls know everything ranging from the latest fashion on the streets, what is trending on social media and mostly how to make themselves available. To me, university girls are the most interesting part of the human race. From the time I wake up to the time I sleep, I can never officially claim that I am bored yet I have interesting part of human race living amidst me. To top it all off, university girls are the most wanted commodity in the world. 

From the way they sluggishly wake up and the first thing they do is check their phones like it’s the currents day newspaper. Then they proceed to start looking for clothes to wear and you know the drill, shower and whatever necessary. Then comes the most interesting part, the application of make-up. The eye pencil is stretched beyond the eyes either to enhance beauty or make you look like a cat. Depending on the choice pink or red lipstick, to me they all look like ghosts.

The worst thing is that some go ahead to add fake eye lashes. No offense but beauty begins from within no amount of make-up can create the perfect personality. The new trend of hair extensions and weaves is so annoying considering the fact that some cannot take care of their own hair. To the extent that those around them suffer from the stench that comes out of keeping the hair for so long with all the amount of sweat.

I cannot complain about the type of dressing but I will complain about the fake American accents. We are in Africa for goodness sake and he person trying to speak like an American is possessing African skin and has probably never even traveled out of the country (no offense). Having a rich boyfriend is also an asset since he is obviously going to be something you can show off about and most importantly your source of money. University girls only speak one language and that is money!

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