Saturday 11 July 2015


 They say the early bird gets the worm, inspiring motivation if you are the bird. The worm however has no idea of when her future will be plucked away by the next air borne attacker. The reason why most working class people wake up very early in the morning to go to work striving for a promotion or salary raise. Just as various athletes competing to win a race. We do not all want the same things but that does not mean that we do not have to work hard to achieve them either. 

For everything that we desire to have, there is a percentage of people who want the same thing. That is why people are deemed successful when they achieve their dreams, which is the worm in this case. Because everybody wants the worm, everybody dreams of success. They say our past should not define us but in the end the paths we choose to take define us. We are capable of so much only if we put our hearts into it. Trusting our instinct is one thing, taking action is another and every action involves risks.

We are all afraid of losing something, but fear is what limits us from doing certain things. Loss is part of life, you cannot have it all, even the most beautiful person has a fault in them. God created us in his own image and likeness but that does not mean that we are perfect. We have nothing to lose by putting our fear aside and taking action. God created the world in seven days, but the human race took centuries to make the world what it is today. I believe we are all fighting to achieve something, it may take ages but it is still possible.

There is a reason why the Bible has a scripture for almost everything and in my opinion I think every action can be justified. Everyone does things for a certain reason, most for selfish motives. The world we live in is individualistic, everyone looks out for their own interests whether they are blood related or not. These days even water is proving to be thinker than blood. As long as the bird keeps striving to get the worm, the other birds will always be filled hate, jealousy, envy and greed to snatch it away. Some people find happiness in other people’s sadness.

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