Sunday 16 December 2012

The Consequences Of Today

Sometimes we ask ourselves why some things
happen to us. Why whe we wake up in the
morning, there's no power yet you haven't
ironed your uniform. Why you end up being
caught late for class, Why the teacher refuses
you to enter in her class when your late.
Why it's always you. But some never ask
themselves those questions, they simply take
life casually. A person who obviously doesn't
care would simply go to the main hall and relax,
and converse with their friends.Not keeping in
mind that the friends they are relaxing with don't
attend the same classes with him and will leave
him as soon as the next bell for their lessons ring.
Most of the teenagers don't look at it this way, they
never realise that they are wasting time until papers
are due and they realize that they haven't read.
They start panicking and do you know what
panicking does? it rattles the brain, you start
pumping notes into your brain and of course
the brain can't take in all that crap and submit it
the next day, it just ends up forgetting, unless of
course you cram, And on visitation day when their
parents come, they see the results and start
questioning as to why they've failed. And obviously
they can't answer because they didnt expect to fail
after sacrificing all that time and energy. Most times
students fail not because they didn't read but because
the methods they used for reading were wrong and
not enough effort was inserted into books.
Probably if they had attended lessons, done revision
exercises, consulted their teachers, taken notes and
used their time wisely, they would have taken a different
path. Passing is by choice not by chance. The consequences
of today are determined by the actions of the past. To
change your future, alter your decisions today.

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